
  • It’s the Data Stupid: AI Models and Your Business

    I have not been able to stop thinking about this since reading it a few days ago: This mirrors the conclusions of a paper published by Google DeepMind earlier this month that transformer-based architectures (i.e., all the AI systems that have been getting so much hype lately) just don’t generalize well beyond their training data.…

  • The Basics of Financial Statements for Engineers

    As told through a conversation with my bold alter-ego… Why are you talking about this? One thing I wish they had taught me more about in engineering school is financial statements. Investors use them to help them assess the quality of a business, so if you ever want to invest in a company, sell stock,…

  • How to Size Your Bets

    When Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty this week of defrauding investors at FTX, it caused me to reflect a bit about how to size bets. Sam was famously aggressive with wagers that had any slight edge at all. In one interview he said he’d take a bet where 51% of the time it would double…

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